2019.1.10 ニュース


GOOD TIMES INKは新しく心斎橋のアメ村で開店しました。スタジオの工事が全て終わっていませんが、なんとか営業出来るところまで仕上がっています。お店はこれから年季が入ってカッコ良くなります。




ジャック アマノ

Good Times Ink’s new studio opened in America Mura in Shinsaibashi on January 10th. We still have lots of little details that need finishing and we are still waiting to take delivery of things like mirrors and beds, but we are open for business.

TAIKI spent the New Year’s holiday working on our window. He’ll add a few more details later, but it’s looking great. Thanks, TAIKI!!

Friends and customers sent flowers, telegrams and even brought a huge tai. Thank you everyone for your support!

Jack Amano